March 2020, the first UK lockdown. The month the UK sat still. Of course I am talking about COVID-19, the global pandemic that spread through the world. Many people learnt the true meaning of the world ‘furloughed’. Many people started to work from home. The video call era of home work outs, zoom calls and even consulting online began. This was the first time we were told that Public health must take precedence over animal health and staying at home was the best thing to do.
COVID-19 really has changed the way Veterinary Practices work. After initial technicalities with video calls, eventually we were allowed to see patients face to face again. First and foremost, no one except staff was allowed into the building. Whether rain, shine or thunder, we were ferrying patients inside to be examined and then back outside. Donned with masks, visors, gloves, aprons and copious amounts of hand sanitiser, we felt safe and dutiful.
With everyone staying at home for extended periods of time, a lot of people decided now would be the perfect time to get a new addition to the family. A very large influx of kittens and puppies have come into practice. Unable to socialise, go to training classes or even see peoples full facial expressions, it is only a matter of time until we see how these new puppies and kittens develop socially. However when they do, there is one thing I can say with faith and that is that the Vets will be able to deal with anything, no matter how difficult it may seem.
